
open reading group environment reading group February 2024

bi- weekly wednesday session 16:00 – 17:00 cet (once every two weeks)
facilitated by

meet up here: | sign up for the mailinglist here and add you reading suggestions here.

Upcoming readings:
– February 26: There are two readings. The draft position paper of the Waag on regenerative infrastructures (see attached) and  ‘The compost engineers and sus saberes lentos: a manifest for regenerative technologies‘ by Joana Varon and Lucía Egana
– March 12: Michelle Murphy ‘Afterlife and decolonial relations‘ and ‘Chemical Regimes of Living
– March 26: Elemental infrastructures for atmospheric media: On stratospheric variations, value and the commons by D. McCormack and The Elements of Media Studies by N. Starosielski
– April 9: Anne Tsing ‘On Nonscalability: The Living World Is Not Amenable to Precision-Nested Scales
– April 23: Towards Planet-Proof Computing: Ten Key Elements EU Data Centre Sustainability Policy Should Take Onboard by Jessica Commins and Kristina Irion. They also wrote a blog post about it.
– May 7: Max Liboiron, Manuel Tironi, and Nerea Calvillo ‘Toxic politics: Acting in a permanently polluted world
– May 21: [place holder for writing from the group]

previous books and articles read in this reading group:
pollution is colonialism by Max Liboiron
myth of green capitalism by Katharina Pistor
from moore’s law to the carbon law by Daniel Pargman, Aksel Biørn-Hansen, Elina Eriksson, Jarmo Laaksolaht, Markus Robèrt
solarities; seeking energy justice by After Oil Collective
the value of a whale by Adrienne Buller
after geoengineering: climate tragedy, repair, and restoration by Holly Jean Buck
against crisis epistemology by kyle whyte
discard studies: wasting, systems, and power by Max Liboiron and Josh Lepawsky 
An alternative planetary future? Digital sovereignty frameworks and the decolonial option by Sebastián Lehuedé
‘Socialism is not just Built for a Hundred Years’: Renewable Energy and Planetary Thought in the Early Soviet Union (1917–1945) by Daniela Russ
Resource Radicals: From Petro-Nationalism to Post-Extractivism in Ecuador by Thea Riofrancos
The Security–Sustainability Nexus: Lithium Onshoring in the Global North by Thea Riofrancos
The Internet Shutdown and Revolutionary Politics: Defining the Infrastructural Power of the Internet by Michael Truscello
The world wide web of carbon: Toward a relational footprinting of information and communications technology’s climate impacts by Anne Pasek, Hunter Vaughan, and Nicole Starosielski.
Shifting from ‘sustainability’ to regeneration by Bill Reed
A Digital Tech Deal: Digital Socialism, Decolonization, and Reparations for a Sustainable Global Economy by Michael Kwet
We Need To Rewild The Internet by Maria Farrell and Robin Berjon
Beyond Wiindigo Infrastructure by Winona LaDuke and Deborah Cowen
– How ‘Green’ Computing is Opening Up a New Frontier in Arctic Norway by Janna Frenzel
A resourcification manifesto: Understanding the social process of resources becoming resources
What might degrowth computing look like? + Strategies for Degrowth Computing
Water justice and technology. The Covid-19 crisis, computational resource control, and water relief policy
– Draft paper on IETF; framing environmental concerns and sustainability solutions by Fieke Jansen + Solar Protocol: Exploring Energy-Centered Design
– Draft dissertation chapter about the ITU and IETF work on environment-related standards by Kimberly Anastacio