
event ECP “Digital human rights”, Bleyenberg, The Hague April 2024

On Thursday, April 4th, ECP, in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Dutch Internet Governance Forum (NL IGF), is organizing the ECP Special ‘Digital Human Rights’ at Bleyenberg in The Hague.

This meeting will highlight both the risks and opportunities of digitization for the safeguarding of human rights. Following an introduction by Human Rights Ambassador Wim Geerts, experts will discuss the importance of digital human rights across various layers: digital infrastructure, artificial intelligence, and digital platforms.

Marjolijn Bonthuis – Programmadirecteur Digitale Veiligheid & Vertrouwen – ECP

Wim Geerts – Ambassadeur Mensenrechten – Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken

Niels ten Oever – Infrastructuuronderzoeker & Universitair Docent – Universiteit van Amsterdam

Ajuna Soerjadi – Directeur – Expertisecentrum Data-Ethiek

Naomi Appelman – Promovendus – Instituut voor Informatierecht (IViR) Universiteit van Amsterdam

4 April 2024, 9:30 – 13:30

More info in Dutch here